What is a Cash Flow Report and How is it Calculated? (Explained)

3 min read

cash flow report and how is it calculated

A cash flow report is essential for any business, providing valuable insights into the organization’s financial performance. It includes detailed information about how money flows in and out of business over a specified period. Knowing how to calculate and read a cash flow report can help organizations identify potential problems and areas for improvement. In this article, we will explain what a cash flow report is and how it is calculated so that you can better understand your company’s money management.

Many seek information on cash flow reports for various purposes, such as people engaged in finance/finance, business, creditors, academics, etc.

Cash flow reports are becoming increasingly important for many industries. From finance professionals to creditors and business owners, individuals need to understand cash flow reports to make decisions that benefit their organization. Cash Flow Reports provide insight into a company’s financial position and allow stakeholders to review the assets and liabilities of an organization. Knowing how a company manages its finances is essential for short-term and long-term success.

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A cash flow report shows the amount of money entering and leaving an organization during a given period. This report tracks income from sales, taxes paid, investments made, loans taken out, and payments made on debts or expenses incurred by the company. By analyzing this information over time, stakeholders can gain invaluable insights into how well their investments are performing or if additional capital injections may be needed to reach organizational goals.

Before we further discuss the cash flow report in English, it is indicated how it would be more correct if we defined it first.

A cash flow report is one of the most critical documents in any business, as it keeps track of all incoming and outgoing money. Before discussing its uses and how to calculate it, however, we need to ensure everyone is on the same page by properly defining a cash flow report.

A cash flow report can be broken down into two parts: operating activities and investing activities. Operating activities are used for day-to-day operations such as paying salaries, rent and other expenses. Investing activities may include purchases or sales of investments, loans made or repaid, or even payments for capital improvements. To understand how these two types of transactions affect a business’s overall financial health, one must calculate them correctly.

What is meant by this cash flow ratio?

Cash flow is an essential indicator of a company’s financial health. It is a measure of the amount of money flowing in and out of business, which reflects its ability to generate profits and stay solvent. The cash flow ratio is one way to gauge the efficiency of a company’s operations by comparing its income with its expenses.

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The cash flow ratio looks at how much cash or liquid assets are available compared to all liabilities over a given period. This indicates how well the company is managing its finances and can help determine if it has sufficient resources to meet short-term debt obligations. To calculate this ratio, businesses subtract their total liabilities from their cash on hand and divide them by their total liabilities. The result expresses how often they could pay off all current debts using their existing cash reserves.

If you refer to one of the sources in the Canary Business Dictionary book, it can be defined as follows:

“Cash flow from operations (cash flow from the year) shows the income of a business/asset in cash. The use of the cash flow ratio indicates the extent to which net income (net income) is supported by liquid resources. The reinvestment of money into a business demonstrates the company’s ability to position itself for future growth. ”

After knowing the definition, the next question is how to calculate it.

A simple way to calculate the company’s cash flow can be described in the following description.

Cash flow ratio formula

1. The cash flow from operations is calculated as follows:

Net income

  • Also: non-monetary costs (e.g., depreciation, depreciation)
  • Minus: non-monetary income (for example, amortization of overdue income)

Cash flow from operations

2. This calculation is followed by an analysis of the cash flows of the operations compared to net income:

(Cash flow from operations: Net income)

3. The third calculation includes the cash flows generated by the operations minus the cash payments to pay the principal debt, dividends and capital expenditures.

4. Cash reinvestment ratio (cash reinvestment ratio) is determined by identifying the liquidity used (cash clerk) and money earned (money obtained)

  • Cash used = gross increase in plant and machinery + net increase in working capital
  • Cash obtained = Profit after tax plus depreciation
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5. Cash investment report calculated as follows,

Cash used: Cash obtained

6. Cash flow coverage ratio (closing cash flow ratio) is calculated as follows,

(Net operating result + rent + amortization): (interest + rent + [dividen saham preferen / (1-tarif pajak)] – [pembayaran pinjaman pokok/(1-tarif pajak)]

The following is an example of a summary of a company’s income and related cash flow analysis as follows.

Sales (sales)$ 1,000,000Minus: cost of the goods sold$ 300,000Gross margin$ 700,000Less: operating costs Salary$ 100,000Sewa$ 200,000Phone$ 50,000Withdraw$ 80,000Depreciation fee$ 60,000Total operating cost$ 490,000Profit before other income$ 210,000Other income and expenses Interest fee$ 70,000Depreciation of deferred income$ 40,000Total other income and expenses$ 30,000Net profit$ 180,000

The ratio of cash flow from operations to net profit is 1.55. With the following calculations:

Cash flow from operations Net profit$ 180,000More: Non-monetary costs: Withdraw$ 80,000Depreciation fee$ 60,000 $ 140,000Less non-monetary income Depreciation of deferred income($ 40,000)Cash flow from operations$ 280,000

Cash Flow from Operations: Net Profit = $ 280,000: $ 180,000 = 1.55

Who Uses This Cash Flow Report?

Financial management degrees. Profit will have a higher quality if supported by cash because cash can be used to pay off debts, buy fixed assets, and so on.

A high cash reinvestment ratio indicates that more and more liquidity is being used in the company.

Short-term creditors. A company with a high percentage of cash earnings generated within the company has better liquidity.

Reference: Investopedia.com

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